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"Hey Skinny!" by Miles Beller and Jerry Leibowitz
Published by Chronicle Books / ISBN 0-8118-0828-9

Leaping provocatively off the pages of comic books from the 1940s and 1950s, sandwiched in between the adventures of Captain Marvel or Archie or Mutt & Jeff, were the shameless and often bizarre advertisements for miraculous products that promised to change your life.

HEY SKINNY! collects the best of these ads, re-igniting all the wonder and hope of that more innocent era. Glow-in-the-dark neckties, miniature monkeys in a cup, a lamp that turns into a Christmas tree, as well as surefire ways to get rid of pimples, become an artist, write convincing love letters, and prevent baldness - these are just some of the amazing, guaranteed opportunities you'll find in this collection.

The bold claims, titillating graphics, zealous consumerism, and incredibly low prices make these nostalgic ads irresistable...and who knows, some of this stuff may actually have worked.

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